Discussing The Importance Of Regular Dental Care

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Discussing The Importance Of Regular Dental Care

Hi everyone, my name is Jesse. I would like to welcome you to my website. I am here to talk to you about the importance of regular dental care. I will share helpful care techniques you can use to keep your teeth looking and feeling their best throughout life. My site will cover all of the negative effects of poor oral hygiene in great detail. I will talk about the preventive and restorative procedures dentists perform to protect and heal your teeth. I invite you to visit my site daily to learn new tips, tricks and facts about dental care. Thank you for your time.

Why An Allograft May Be Right For Your Dental Implant Bone Graft

25 October 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

If you want a dental implant but have a weak bone structure along the jaw, then your dentist may suggest a bone grafting procedure so your implant has a strong foundation. There are many different types of bone grafts that can be chosen, and your dental professional will use your own bone if this is possible. This type of graft is called an autograft. However, it is not always possible to use your own bone. Read More …

Understanding The Function And Use Of Seperiosteal Dental Implants

25 October 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

If you want to replace a tooth, then you may know all about dental implants and how a screw or cylinder type of root is placed in the jaw. However, these invasive roots are not the only types that may be secured in your mouth during an oral surgery. Sometimes, implants are secured over the top of the jaw. These are called superiosteal roots, and they may be the best option for you. Read More …

Broken Tooth? Oh No! Here’s What Will Happen When You Visit The Dentist

24 October 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

Biting into something hard and hearing your tooth crack is incredibly frustrating and also painful. You certainly need to call your dentist right away when this happens, as exposing the inner layers of your tooth to food and the bacteria in your mouth could lead to an infection and increase your chances of losing your tooth. But what should you expect when you do show up to your dentist's appointment? Here's a look. Read More …

Why You Might Need More Than One Root Canal On A Tooth

24 October 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

If you had a root canal completed on one of your teeth, you may think that this tooth will be safe in the future from infected roots. While this is true in most cases, there are times when a tooth will need a second root canal procedure completed. If you just found out from your dentist that you have a tooth that needs another root canal, you may be confused as to how this could be. Read More …

3 Reasons to Choose Professional Dental Whitening Over DIY Kits

24 October 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

If you are thinking about whitening your teeth for an upcoming event, you should hesitate before tossing that box of whitening strips into your basket. Although grocery-store shelves are lined with whitening toothpastes, bleaching kits, whitening strips, and even whitening gums, the fact of the matter is that your cosmetic dentist knows a lot more about the process than you do, and that can keep you safe and your smile attractive. Read More …