
About Me
Discussing The Importance Of Regular Dental Care

Hi everyone, my name is Jesse. I would like to welcome you to my website. I am here to talk to you about the importance of regular dental care. I will share helpful care techniques you can use to keep your teeth looking and feeling their best throughout life. My site will cover all of the negative effects of poor oral hygiene in great detail. I will talk about the preventive and restorative procedures dentists perform to protect and heal your teeth. I invite you to visit my site daily to learn new tips, tricks and facts about dental care. Thank you for your time.

Understanding And Treating Gum Disease In Children

16 November 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

As a parent, you most likely prioritize the health and wellness of your children. From regular physicals with their pediatrician and making sure they get sufficient exercise to feeding your children a well-balanced diet, the various tasks needed to keep them healthy and happy can become overwhelming. However, you should also place emphasis on your child's oral health. Cavities and tooth staining are not the only issues that can affect your child's smile. Read More …

Four Tips To Help You Manage Pediatric Dental Anxiety

15 November 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

Toddlers and elementary school-aged children often suffer from dental anxiety. Your child may not directly tell you about their anxiety because they may not quite know how to put what they're feeling into words. However, if they are displaying these signs in the days leading up to a dental appointment, you can be pretty confident that they're feeling nervous and worried about it. Struggling to sleep or refusing to go to bed. Read More …

What Is That Mouth Sore?

15 November 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

Developing a sore in or around your mouth can be uncomfortable and frustrating. In order to deal with a mouth sore, you first need to narrow down what type of sore it is. There are three common types: cold sores, canker sores, and leukoplakia. Here are some tips to help you distinguish between the various types of mouth sores and treat them effectively. Cold Sores Cold sores typically appear around the lips rather than inside the mouth. Read More …

After the Braces: Keep Your Teeth Straight and Beautiful

15 November 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

After months and months of careful brushing, avoiding popcorn and taffy, and wearing elastic bands, the day has finally come. Your braces are off, and you can smile freely again, basking in the beauty of your newly straightened smile. While the hard (and most painful) part is over, your tooth straightening journey is not yet complete. You'll need to stay vigilant with post-removal care to make sure all those months your spent in the trenches of brackets, wires, and cleanings weren't for nothing. Read More …

3 New Advances In Dental Implant Technology You Need To Know About

8 November 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

If you are missing one or more teeth and are tired of wearing dentures, then you likely consider getting dental implants from time to time. However, you may have small worries complicating your decision, such as a fear of the incision needed to place the implant post or worry that your post won't become stable. Or you may have even had an implant professional tell you that you were not a good candidate for dental implants due to poor bone quality in your jaw. Read More …