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Discussing The Importance Of Regular Dental Care

Hi everyone, my name is Jesse. I would like to welcome you to my website. I am here to talk to you about the importance of regular dental care. I will share helpful care techniques you can use to keep your teeth looking and feeling their best throughout life. My site will cover all of the negative effects of poor oral hygiene in great detail. I will talk about the preventive and restorative procedures dentists perform to protect and heal your teeth. I invite you to visit my site daily to learn new tips, tricks and facts about dental care. Thank you for your time.

Taking Your Child to the Dentist Early: Why Is It Important?

7 November 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

The number of children suffering from dental decay has continued to rise over the past several years. You may think you do not need to take your child to the dentist until he or she gets a bit older, but it is never too early to take him or her to the dental office. In fact, starting earlier could help prevent your little one from developing some cavities. Choose a Kid-Friendly Dentist Read More …

Answering 4 Common Questions About Dental Implants

7 November 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

Dental implants are a strong, permanent, and natural-looking replacement for missing teeth. Unfortunately, many patients who would benefit from dental implants are hesitant to get them because they have concerns about the safety and benefits of implant installation. Here are the answers to four common questions about dental implants. Why Choose Dental Implants? The first thing that many people ask when they are considering dental implants is what benefits they have over other tooth replacement options such as dentures. Read More …

Preparing for Your Dental-Implant Procedure

4 November 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, approximately 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. If you've dealt with the embarrassment of an imperfect smile for years, you might be considering dental implants. Unlike veneers, which are bonded to a patient's existing teeth, a dental implant is intended to completely replace a missing tooth. If you're thinking about undergoing dental-implant surgery or already have an appointment made, here are a few things you will need to do prior to the procedure. Read More …

3 Easy Ways to Accidentally Ruin Your Dentures

25 October 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

With proper care, your new dentures can last for about five years, but if you're not careful, they could meet an untimely end. Your dentures can be ruined in many ways, and if this happens, you'll need to replace them earlier than you otherwise would've had to. Here are three easy ways that you could accidentally ruin your dentures. You let them dry out overnight Your dentures shouldn't be worn 24 hours a day. Read More …

Understanding The Different Types Of Endosteal Implant Roots And When They Are Used

25 October 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles

Dental implants are unique and versatile devices that can help to replace a single tooth or secure a full set of removable dentures. The implants can even help to secure a bridge more strongly in the mouth or retain a partial denture more permanently. Your dentist or oral surgeon will work with you to come up with the right dental implant and upper bridge, denture, or crown attachment that looks best in your mouth. Read More …